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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Roads cleared, sidewalks not.

Snow removal.  It's a simple task.  If a municipality cannot handle that how can it deal with much more complex issues.

Maple Ave. between Haller and Bloomingdale RD on the south side: most of the sidewalks have snow/ice.

Even a message from the mayor to the commissioner of public works, the best employee the city has, does not result in action.

Meanwhile, the sidewalk of the New York Hospital grounds along Bloomingdale RD and Bryant Ave. was cleared this morning but the worker left a half inch of snow.  Compare that to the stretch of Bloomingdale RD sidewalk cleared by the Bloomingdale department store: it's clean as a whistle.  Same location, different entities responsible.  Same poor job done at the secret city park at the southeast corner of Bryant Ave. and Mamaroneck Ave.

Even some businesses along Mamaroneck Ave. do not properly clean their sidewalks.  We should boycott such places.

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