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Thursday, December 29, 2022

Gas or electric: fuel for thousands of new cars in big new apartment buildings?

No reply, of course:

from: Ken
to: commoncouncil@whiteplainsny.gov
cc: news12wc@news12.com,
bcc: ???
date: Dec 28, 2022, 6:40 AM
subject: White Plains, NY: Electric Vehicles (EV): charging station policy and status?


So? Drivers will increasingly opt for EV because they won't want to continue the hideous practice of getting fuel at a gas station, which brings us to the real dilemmas in White Plains:

Whether gas or electric, where the heck are the many thousands of new cars parking at those big new apartment buildings going to get fuel? Did you ever once consider that?

Oh, and how will they get into and out their garages, especially on small streets like Mitchell and Barker?

And where will they get food? Right, these are all mixed use developments. Where will the new supermarkets be?

Saturday morning should be fun. Even those who take the train to work will have to fuel their cars to drive to a supermarket.

All we see is overbuilding but not a single change in fuel for cars or food for people.

Kenneth Matinale

White Plains apartment resident

Friday, August 12, 2022

ShopRite expiration date on milk: more than 50 in the future.

Yesterday (Thursday, August 11, 2022) I bought this product

The "expiration" date is October 1, 2022. That's 51 days later. For milk. What the heck? Is any of this regulated? If so, how? I bought it at:

13 City Place
White Plains NY 10601

The system puts a date/time stamp on this post.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Emergency vehicles change traffic lights but STILL not in White Plains after FOUR years.

The post below was written and sent to Common Council members almost four years ago, so the technology is not new.

Emergency vehicles change traffic lights but not in White Plains. Sunday, October 21, 2018

Emergency vehicles, both ambulances and fire trucks, begin blasting their horns and sirens blocks before reaching (an intersection) ... because they know that drivers do not stop when they have a green light. So, ...

Why don't emergency vehicles change traffic lights in White Plains?


This afternoon about 4:30 PM I saw an ambulance on Church Street going north with its siren blasting and its lights flashing trying to cross the multiple lanes of Hamilton Avenue. At least five vehicles continued on Hamilton right in front of the ambulance as it inched forward. They had the green light but not the common sense nor a sense of responsibility to stop and let the ambulance go through.

No, we don't need some lame public awareness campaign. We need the decision makers in White Plains to make the decision to do what's obviously necessary:

Get that damn emergency light system!

This post will be sent to:

Friday, July 15, 2022

Electric Vehicles (EV): charging station policy and status?

Email sent but not answered:

from: Kenneth
to: planning@whiteplainsny.gov
cc: commoncouncil@whiteplainsny.gov
date: Jul 12, 2022, 10:39 AM
subject: EV charging stations required in new apartment garages?

US Crosses the Electric-Car Tipping Point for Mass Adoption


You're adding thousands of new private garage spaces. If increasing numbers of Electric Vehicles are introduced, where can they get charged?

And what about older apartment garages? Are they required to provide EV chargers?

When I checked about three years ago, the chargers in public garages were few and pathetic.

Get in front of this tipping point.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

One White Plains or a Tale of Two Cities?


an updated vision for our city


Who knew?

from: Kenneth Matinale
to: commoncouncil@whiteplainsny.gov
cc: news12wc@news12.com,
date: May 18, 2022, 9:10 PM
subject: White Plains, NY: Car-free development in Arizona! Pedestrian hostile White Plains perpetuates car culture.

To: Common Council members


tale of two cities:
- downtown residents living in apartments in buildings most of which in 2020 are the functional equivalent of tenements, needing upgrades in electrical and plumbing;
- ruling elite living in houses and dominating the Common Council with membership probably 90 percent of member time on that body for the last half century.

Today I learned about:

And the Phase II meeting in June. It seemed like the same effort from 5-6 years ago, except that the previous one had been about the "transit district". I didn't notice that anything positive came of that. What did I miss? What will be different now? It's the same lineup.

Do any of you or city officials ever attend a condo or co-op meeting? You attend those neighborhood association meetings often.

Oh, and those Hudsonlink buses are as empty as often now as they have been since their introduction years ago. Have you noticed? 

Kenneth Matinale, apartment resident in downtown White Plains