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Saturday, January 12, 2019

Pedestrians endangered by cars diagonally crossing multiple lanes at intersections.

Walking to the train station, something not done by people living in most White Plains houses, is like the punch line: you can't get there from here. At least not safely.

So far the re-design and rehabilitation of the train station area shows ZERO indication that pedestrians will be able to get there without encountering crossing traffic and now more HUGE (almost empty) buses that provide ZERO benefit to White Plains.

On Hamilton Avenue, the only way to legally walk to the train station is on the north side and cross Ferris Avenue. But Ferris is one way going north and cars driving on this one way only part of Hamilton and also going to the train station must make a right into the pedestrians and simultaneously switch lanes to the left to get to the train station. The cars are constantly endangering pedestrians who have few options, none good.

This diagonal problem is at many downtown intersections because of two really stupid policies:
- allowing cars to turn from more than one lane
- 4-5 lane ONE way streets that force cars to quickly drive all the way across to the opposite side.

What the heck? It's so obviously dangerous. The cars in the second turning lane are blocked from seeing pedestrians in the cross walk by cars in the first turning lane. Geez, come on. I almost got hit a couple of days ago crossing Martine at South Lexington from NW corner to SW corner. The driver was trying to go diagonally all the way to the opposite side ... fast! Ironically, it's diagonally across from the Public Safety building where no cops are visible outside.

Same thing a few weeks ago trying to cross Hamilton from NW corner to SW corner with TWO lanes turning fast into the cross walk. This may be the most dangerous intersection in White Plains and that's saying a lot.

Does anyone who can change this give a damn?

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Only the left lane (MLK Blvd.) is marked as turn only. May cars in other than the left lane also turn? If not, White Plains has several downtown intersections where this is a safety problem, especially for pedestrians. Compounding the problem of cars turning from one way MLK Blvd. onto one way Martine Ave. is that cars in left lane two and sometimes also (left) lane three are trying to get all the way across to the right on Martine ASAP to drive into the Galleria parking garage. Maybe that entrance should be closed.

One way Main Street turning left onto one way MLK Blvd.: one dedicated turn left only lane but cars in lane two often also turn left and cars in lane THREE also turn pretty frequently.

One way Church Street turning left onto Hamilton Ave., which is two way there, and cars in the middle straight lane regularly also turn left.

It's been this way in White Plains for decades. For the Traffic and/or Public Safety Departments to act like they don't know about this is disingenuous. The overriding objective is to move and park cars.

Five lane one way roads are inherently dangerous, especially for pedestrians. The turning problem described at these and other intersections is inexcusable and always has been. A complete overhaul is in order.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Turn only lanes made even more dangerous by bike rentals.

White Plains Police consider it legal for the second lane to also turn when there is a turn only lane. The result is that two lanes of cars may turn into pedestrians in the crosswalk. This is exacerbated at the places where cars are trying desperately to cross over the five lanes of one way traffic to enter a garage on the opposite side of the street. Examples:
- Galleria garage at Martine Avenue and MLK Blvd.
- Galleria garage on South Lexington Avenue from right on Main Street.
- Main Street into Galleria garage after left from South Lexington Avenue...

Do the right thing. Change the most dangerous situations immediately. Then FINALLY implement some common sense changes that radically improve quality of life in downtown White Plains.

The Common Council has finally got to stop serving the interests of its neighbors in the house neighborhoods who only want to conveniently drive and park in downtown for their amusement. Be responsible.

Ghost buses. No, not busters, buses.

For the record about a week ago a PASSENGER was spotted on a Hudson Link bus in downtown White Plains. That's the first such passenger in Hudson Link history.

These are ghost buses. They have almost no passengers. Same with the regional bus companies. So, why do White Plains decision makers accept this, even encourage it?

Hudson Link buses make a left turn from Main Street onto Church Street, which is much too small to safely accommodate such large buses. Then where do they go? Down Hamilton Avenue to the bus terminal at the train station or, more likely, across Hamilton to residential Barker Avenue and then down to the bus terminal.

Buses park illegally in several locations, including Hamilton Avenue near North Broadway.

Do people on the Traffic Commission or in the Parking & Traffic Department  ever give a second thought to safety and quality of life issues in DOWNTOWN White Plains? Or is it all about moving vehicles? Rhetorical questions, unfortunately.

Read some of the posts about buses and pedestrians:

