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Saturday, May 26, 2018

Danger: intersection of Martine Ave. and Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.

Message sent 5/21/18 to whiteplainscityhall@whiteplainsny.gov

Subject: Illegal turns.
The one millionth. Right in front of a police car. At the library corner turning left onto Martine Avenue. Cars in the second lane make this illegal turn all the time, as they do at other busy intersections. Enforcement to protect pedestrians is non existent.

It's Dodge City for pedestrians, both literally and figuratively.

Message sent 5/24/18 as reply to city workers involved:

Only the left lane (MLK Blvd.) is marked as turn only. May cars in other than the left lane also turn? If not, White Plains has several downtown intersections where this is a safety problem, especially for pedestrians. Compounding the problem of cars turning from one way MLK Blvd. onto one way Martine Ave. is that cars in left lane two and sometimes also (left) lane three are trying to get all the way across to the right on Martine ASAP to drive into the Galleria parking garage. Maybe that entrance should be closed.

One way Main Street turning left onto one way MLK Blvd.: one dedicated turn left only lane but cars in lane two often also turn left and cars in lane THREE also turn pretty frequently.

One way Church Street turning left onto Hamilton Ave., which is two way there, and cars in the middle straight lane regularly also turn left.

It's been this way in White Plains for decades. For the Traffic and/or Public Safety Departments to act like they don't know about this is disingenuous. The overriding objective is to move and park cars.

Five lane one way roads are inherently dangerous, especially for pedestrians. The turning problem described at these and other intersections is inexcusable and always has been. A complete overhaul is in order.

Traffic Laws. Thursday, December 4, 2008

Enforce moving violations, not parking violations.

With the economy in turmoil the decision makers must be wondering where WP city revenue will come from with retail sales and restaurant business noticeably down. Their natural inclination will be to increase property tax and step up enforcement of ... parking violations.

How about enforcing moving violations? WP is Dodge City. When it comes to moving violations there is no law. Red lights are routinely run. Right on red is supposed to be: full stop, turn. In WP it is hairpin turn on red.

Pedestrian hostility is taken to a new level in WP. Get the CC members walking on the downtown streets and maybe they will take action before someone is killed.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Southbury, CT: you can't get there from here.

At least not by public transportation. Southbury, CT is a town in western New Haven County, Connecticut. It's adjacent to a major highway, Interstate 84. So you'd think that one of the many huge regional buses that inundate downtown White Plains each day would go there.

Not even Connecticut Transit does. Nor Greyhound. If someone in White Plains took the Metro North train to Brewster, which is on 84, you'd think there would be a connecting bus that ran along 84 to Southbury. Nope.

So what the heck is White Plains getting out of having all those regional buses downtown, which have a VERY low percentage of seats filled?

Sunday, May 6, 2018

$115 million for the Bee-Line county bus system in 2018.


Page 597:

400 Expenses

4924 Bus Operating Assistance 2018: $115,872,847

Is this a joke? $115 million for the Bee-Line county bus system? Casual observation in White Plains at or near the bus terminal at the train station shows VERY low percentage of seats occupied by passengers.

Regional buses: percent of seats occupied, percent of passengers who merely board a train?  Saturday, April 14, 2018

Those are two simple common sense questions that Mayor Tom Roach and traffic commissioner Tom Soyk should answer.

Some of the regional bus companies that drive to the White Plains train station:
Coach (allowed by city to park illegally adjacent to mini mall)
Adirondack Trailways
CT Transit (Connecticut)
TappanZeezpress (Rockland County, NY)

Along with:
Afternoon rush hour traffic on Hamilton Avenue: where are all those vehicles coming from and going to?

Finally, the BIG common sense question:

How does any of this benefit White Plains, especially downtown?