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Thursday, December 29, 2022

Gas or electric: fuel for thousands of new cars in big new apartment buildings?

No reply, of course:

from: Ken
to: commoncouncil@whiteplainsny.gov
cc: news12wc@news12.com,
bcc: ???
date: Dec 28, 2022, 6:40 AM
subject: White Plains, NY: Electric Vehicles (EV): charging station policy and status?


So? Drivers will increasingly opt for EV because they won't want to continue the hideous practice of getting fuel at a gas station, which brings us to the real dilemmas in White Plains:

Whether gas or electric, where the heck are the many thousands of new cars parking at those big new apartment buildings going to get fuel? Did you ever once consider that?

Oh, and how will they get into and out their garages, especially on small streets like Mitchell and Barker?

And where will they get food? Right, these are all mixed use developments. Where will the new supermarkets be?

Saturday morning should be fun. Even those who take the train to work will have to fuel their cars to drive to a supermarket.

All we see is overbuilding but not a single change in fuel for cars or food for people.

Kenneth Matinale

White Plains apartment resident