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CNA requirements for meeting downtown, not almost in Scarsdale.

We welcome you finding us a downtown location providing free space & free parking suitable for up to 50 people and including free use of...

Saturday, November 14, 2015

CNA requirements for meeting downtown, not almost in Scarsdale.

We welcome you finding us a downtown location providing free space & free parking suitable for up to 50 people and including free use of their A/V equipment and we'd be happy to consider it.

Doesn't sound too serious.

wpcna.org  "The White Plains Council of Neighborhood Associations (WPCNA) coordinates the neighborhood associations in White Plains, NY."

And why is free parking so important?  Is it that people who live in the houses near Scarsdale and Harrison cannot afford downtown parking fees?  People who live downtown could simply walk to the meeting.

"A/V equipment"?  Say what?  VHS or Beta?  I'm guessing they are not looking for an Internet connection or HDMI ports.

District-Based Voting Sunday, February 24, 2008

You can see why CC members do not and cannot represent the interests of the majority of WP residents who live downtown in apartments. They all live in houses, mostly in the same area. None live downtown. With District-Based Voting most of them would not be on the CC.

WP might as well have its city government decisions made by people living in Scarsdale. Our CC members may be well intentioned but they visit downtown as non-residents do: they drive in, park, do some stuff and drive back. Most of their decisions are based on driving and parking. That's why WP is so extremely pedestrian hostile.

Two suggestions in addition to implementing District-Based Voting:

1. eliminate all reserved parking at city hall for all CC members and department heads (especially traffic and planning);
2. challenge CC members to go to and from a CC meeting by either walking or taking public transportation.


CNA: White Plains Council of Neighborhood Associations Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Like the WP Common Council, CNA is house heavy. Check the member organizations ...

Five are in the Gedney area alone. No wonder they dwell on nonsense like Railside and Orchard Street, which affect a handful of houses that border the respective properties. Every condo and coop in WP should be members. Meetings should be held in a location that does not require a surveyor to determine whether it is within WP...

White Plains needs one citizen, one vote. Both the city government and its official neighborhood entity represent houses, not people. The city's devotion to cars reflects that. Move 'em, park 'em. Get in and out of downtown as efficiently as you can. You don't live there. You live in the suburbs of White Plains in almost Scarsdale and almost Harrison. Who cares what it's like to actually live downtown?


Cars, the only issue in White Plains Sunday, September 21, 2008

The sole issue in White Plains: move 'em, park 'em.

The sole solution: more lanes, more garages.

This is an escalating cycle that cannot be continued. White Plains has tried some minor things in the past including a free shuttle bus and a few electric car chargers. However, it is still jerking around with planning a city bus system and cannot get the county buses to run during rush hour from all the most densely populated areas:

- Main St. and Mamanoneck Ave.
- Lake St.
- Old Mamanoneck RD ...

White Plains needs elected officials who have the imagination to consider new and different ideas. Otherwise, there will be more speedways slashing through downtown and more monster garages.


Condo and Coop owners unite: take over city government. Friday, January 2, 2009

I have written consistently about the structural problem with the government of White Plains.  Rather than function like all our other legislatures (county, state, federal), which have district representation, White Plains clings to the delusional fantasy that its form is somehow special, that having Common Council members elected at large they magically represent all citizens, rather than a constituency of a geographical district.  Baloney.  It ain't working.

As has been documented here, including with a map showing where they live, Common Council members represent themselves and their suburban neighbors.  Their only issue is driving into and out of downtown White Plains as fast as they can, diminishing any hint of quality of life for those who actually live in White Plains in apartment buildings and who, I am guessing, pay most of the taxes for most of the school kids who live in the suburban houses.


CNA and CC Maps: CC closer to Scarsdale than WP city hall. Monday, March 2, 2009

... each CNA association gets one vote.  The few in the houses make decisions for the many in the apartments.


White Plains house owners, just secede and become part of Scarsdale. Thursday, September 30, 2010

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