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Monday, June 12, 2023

Is the 554 page 2015 Transit District Report typical of what's to come?

ONE White Plains documents - hidden on the city website. Monday, June 12, 2023

2015 Transit District Report 554 pages ...

CONSOLIDATED PLAN 2020-2024 148 pages


The document is a bloated and pretentious mess. Worst of all is that, aside from a new apartment building under construction, the train station and its surrounding area remain the same dysfunctional mess they've been for decades.

The changes to the train station:

1. Corrected bad original design.

2. Made up for three decades of neglect.

Try walking down Barker Avenue, which turns into Water Street for some reason, to the train station. It gets worse the closer you get. You're faced with the same ridiculous array of confusing entry and exit lanes. It's dangerous to walk cross Ferris Avenue. It's the same as before.

There's still no plan for the surface parking lots. Does anyone know who owns the air rights above the train station?

There was a Planning Department event for citizens at the library:

One White Plains Comprehensive Plan Public Workshop - June 12th at 7PM

Was it another "Transit District" caliber attempt to get things organized? It was standing room only.

The Consolidated Plan 2020-2024 referenced above is about housing. Really. It should include other issues.


Public street made semi private while Barker Avenue is subjected to HUGE buses, trucks and eventually hundreds more cars. Friday, December 24, 2021

One White Plains or a Tale of Two Cities? Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Pedestrian Safety is administered by the Parking Department. Tuesday, February 7, 2023

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