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Wednesday, May 18, 2022

One White Plains or a Tale of Two Cities?


an updated vision for our city


Who knew?

from: Kenneth Matinale
to: commoncouncil@whiteplainsny.gov
cc: news12wc@news12.com,
date: May 18, 2022, 9:10 PM
subject: White Plains, NY: Car-free development in Arizona! Pedestrian hostile White Plains perpetuates car culture.

To: Common Council members


tale of two cities:
- downtown residents living in apartments in buildings most of which in 2020 are the functional equivalent of tenements, needing upgrades in electrical and plumbing;
- ruling elite living in houses and dominating the Common Council with membership probably 90 percent of member time on that body for the last half century.

Today I learned about:

And the Phase II meeting in June. It seemed like the same effort from 5-6 years ago, except that the previous one had been about the "transit district". I didn't notice that anything positive came of that. What did I miss? What will be different now? It's the same lineup.

Do any of you or city officials ever attend a condo or co-op meeting? You attend those neighborhood association meetings often.

Oh, and those Hudsonlink buses are as empty as often now as they have been since their introduction years ago. Have you noticed? 

Kenneth Matinale, apartment resident in downtown White Plains

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