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Sunday, September 24, 2017

Reply to Milagros Lecuona, insurgent candidate for mayor.

First, the message, then the reply.

from: Milagros Lecuona via bounce.myngp.com
reply-to: milagrosformayor@gmail.com
to: Ken
date: Sat, Sep 23, 2017 at 8:54 AM
subject: Me Again

Now more than ever, I am committed to the change we need in White Plains

Dear Ken,

On the surface, things may look good in White Plains but I have seen some disturbing trends in our current leadership which motivate me to be committed to the change we need. New development plans that bring thousands of so-called luxury rental units (increasing traffic and noise while decreasing open space), Renaissance fountains (malfunctioning and wasting millions of tax payers' money) and bike lanes (that are costly and dangerous) are put forward as “what’s working in White Plains,” but there is no mention of:
- a firefighting staff and the communities it serves that have been short changed in city priorities,
- wasted taxpayer money being used as the current mayor hands out jobs to his friends,
= the French American School’s project with far too many hidden plans or unanswered questions for the community,
- the issue of 20 percent of the city budget coming from money from parking department creating insanely strict parking policies.



from: Ken
to: milagrosformayor@gmail.com
cc: digital@lohud.com,

I checked your website again and there are no policy proposals to deal with your list of issues. In your most recent email you mention "insanely strict parking
policies". What does that even mean and what would you do about it?

You live in a house neighborhood and want it to be easier to park downtown where you want even more affordable housing, which means affordable apartments nowhere near where you and other Common Council members live. You house people just want easy and inexpensive car access to downtown.

And how about addressing the bus invasion of downtown that I've been documenting for months and which you Common Council members have ignored.

Mayor Roach is off track but you have not presented any real alternative, just slogans and union endorsements, most of whose members probably do not live in White Plains.

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