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Thursday, June 2, 2016

Move buses west of train station.

Since pretty much everone seems OK with buses reducing the quality of life in downtown White Plains, here's a suggestion about how to deal with it: move them back where they were decades ago.

There's a small one block area between Hamilton Avenue and Main Street on the west side of the train tracks that is now all but abandoned by the buses it once served. How and why those regional buses were allowed to intrude into urban life on the east side of the tracks is lost to history.

That area is not large enough for the ever increasing number of regional and private chartered buses that speed along residential streets including Barker Avenue, North Broadway, Park Avenue. There are two areas along route 119 that could be used.

There is still a lot of vacant land on the west side of 119 between Hamilton and the County Center. Some housing was recently and mindlessly built there. It's unimaginable who would want to live adjacent to about ten lanes of traffic.

The other area is what is euphemistically called the west parking lot for the County Center. You know, that ridiculous metered area that everyone wants to avoid. Of course, Westchester County would have to provide that land for the greater good of the train station redevelopment, something that seems anathema to the County Executive and his band of bureaucrats.

This wouldn't really impact the Battle Hill area but that CNA group would doubtless oppose.

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