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Monday, December 21, 2015

Graffiti on Bronx River Pathway.

The pathway is the non-vehicular walking/cycling county trail that is intertwined with:
- Bronx River
- Bronx River parkway
- train tracks.

It's a terrific resource that can be accessed without driving far, if at all.  Unfortunately, despite repeated messages to the county executive in recent years, graffiti has become increasingly prevalent along the path near the White Plains train station, especially to the south.  County police are never seen patrolling or otherwise attempting to deal with this blight.  The police are not at fault.  The fault lies with the bureaucrats who administer the county, primarily the county executive who has done little or nothing to remove or prevent graffiti.

The vandals have taken control.  They spray concrete and stonework alike.  It's the same mindless big letters it's been for decades elsewhere.  Or simple tags.  Nothing original.  Certainly nothing worth defacing public property and introducing a sense of lawlessness and danger that lessens the worth of the path and its use by residents.

Email for the Westchester county executive: ce@westchestergov.com

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