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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What, there's still snow on public sidewalks?

New York hospital (Bloomingdale Lane and Bryant Ave.) - Of course.  As of 11AM yesterday: while a plow apparently cruised over its public sidewalks, New York hospital managed to leave a layer of ice on most of it while all others nearby had clean public sidewalks.

And the reigning and all time champ: the corner of the south side of Maple Avenue and Hale Avenue!  Yeah!  The city never enforces its own rules at that site, which virtually never has snow and ice removed by either the owner or the city.  You can imagine the buildup this winter.

This is the monument to the disdain that the City of White Plains has for its downtown residents.  City workers removed snow from sidewalk curbs on Mamaroneck Avenue where the walking side of the sidewalk was clean but the city felt compelled to make it even easier to drive and park downtown ... that for WP residents who live in the houses, mostly to the suburban south.

The house owners are the only constituents who matter to the mayor and common council.  Until downtown residents take control of White Plains by electing people who will represent them, this will continue.

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