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Sunday, December 21, 2008

WP mail about how great the government is.

I recently received something called Access White Plains.  The non-cover pages contain WINTER 2008.

The lead article is about the City Responding to Economic Climate.  Blah, blah, blah.  If they really knew stuff they'd be running the national economy.  But if the city is trying to save money then why is it spending tax money mailing a glossy document to each city resident?  It contained a separate paper with the recycling schedule for each day of the year.  I guess they forgot that most of us live in apartment buildings and this schedule is not applicable to us as individuals.  Not sending it could have saved money and paper.

This blog is negative by its nature, the same as the city mailed doc is positive by its nature.  Their natures do not negate what is written.  However, a couple of items from the city had already been addressed in this blog.

City: Longview Parking Garage
Blog: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2008 - Cars, the only issue in White Plains

City: Minerva Ground Breaking
Blog: SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 2008 - Environment & Energy

Hey, they could have saved paper had they read the blog.

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