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Friday, March 18, 2016

Grass and trees on center dividers on Hamilton, Main, Martine.

How about something like Park Avenue in Manhattan? Or even that really nice center divider on North Broadway between Main and Hamilton? You know, the one some people delude themselves into thinking is a park. If Central Park were surrounded by comparable lanes of traffic, they would extend to the Hudson River to the west and First Avenue to the east.

Two way mega streets: change Martine, Main, Hamilton from one way quasi interstates. Sunday, February 14, 2016

Mayor Tom Roach said as much a couple of days ago as the primary speaker at the first public meeting of the Trancenter Transit District task force, ...

Martine and Hamilton are the too many lane roads leading away from the center of downtown towards the train station. Main Street leads away from the station but narrows at the City Center causing congestion...

Parked cars provide a physical and psychological buffer between moving cars and pedestrians on sidewalks. Parallel parking should also be considered on these streets. That could be done pretty quickly. Yes, it would reduce the number of lanes but it would make WALKING on them much less pedestrian hostile.


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