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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Common Council continues hypocrisy of affordable housing (apartments).

The Common Council members discussed affordable housing during last night's public meeting. Their hypocrisy is so embedded that they're not even embarrassed by their comments.

Listen for yourself:


Item 18

Resolution of the Common Council of the City of White Plains approving the application submitted on behalf of Norden Lofts, LLC (“Applicant”), for Special Permit/Site Plan Approval in connection with the proposed multi-family adaptive reuse and redevelopment of the existing six (6) story, 48,000 square foot industrial building located at 121 Westmoreland Avenue (Section 130.25, Block, 3 Lot 1) IN THE li-m Light Industrial Mixed Use Zoning District and payment by the applicant of fee-in-lieu in the amount of $176,500 to be used exclusively for park, playground and other recreational purposes, including the acquisition of real property, to mitigate the recreational impact of the new multi-family project, in accordance with General City Law Section 27-A.

Note also the obligatory municipal shakedown of the developer.

CC members are concerned about too much, too little, too affordable, too close to their HOUSES and/or the HOUSES of their constituents. Blah, blah, blah.

Who pays for affordable housing? Wednesday, February 3, 2016

First of all, it's affordable apartments. There may be a few condos, probably adjacent to the interstate highway, but no houses. White Plains decision makers live in houses and are immune to any impact of "affordable housing"...

House owners do not have 10% of the houses on their block occupied by "affordable housing" people. Nor are they paying more in property taxes to make up for "affordable housing" people paying less...

The "market rate" renters in the other 90% of apartments are making up the difference. Do White Plains decision makers know? Do they ask?


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