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Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Fuel for cars and food for people: wake the heck up! THOUSANDS more cars downtown.

No, I don't expect White Plains to go from zero imagination to what's below but ...

from: Ken
to: commoncouncil@whiteplainsny.gov
cc: news12wc@news12.com
date: Jan 3, 2023, 6:35 AM
subject: A new wireless EV charging road is currently under construction in Germany


You need to wake up or White Plains is going to be a fueling nightmare for both gas and electric vehicles.

Require apartment building garages to have both gas pumps and electric vehicle charging stations. Both.


Gas or electric: fuel for thousands of new cars in big new apartment buildings? Thursday, December 29, 2022

And where will they get food? Right, these are all mixed use developments. Where will the new supermarkets be?

Saturday morning should be fun. Even those who take the train to work will have to fuel their cars to drive to a supermarket.

All we see is overbuilding but not a single change in fuel for cars or food for people.


Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in White Plains

The City of White Plains currently offers twenty-eight publicly accessible electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in parking structures and lots throughout the City.

They are located in the following public parking locations:

Lexington-Grove East Garage (100 Main St.) - 3 chargers
Lexington-Grove West Garage (100 Main St.) - 2 chargers
Hamilton-Main Garage (365 Hamilton Ave.) - 3 chargers
Longview-Cromwell Garage (11 Longview Ave.) - 2 chargers
Lyon Place Garage (5 Lyon Place) - 2 chargers
Shapham Place Parking Lot (17 Shapham Place) - 2 chargers
Chester-Maple Garage (9 Chester Ave.) - 3 chargers
Library Garage (100 Martine Ave.) - 3 chargers
TransCenter Garage (11 Ferris Ave.) - 8 chargers


The 8 chargers at 11 Ferris Ave. are outdoors at the fire station. Really.

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