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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

New parking garage will tower over Barker Avenue co-op building.

It's not even the new apartment building being constructed at the corner of North Broadway and Barker. That building and the reconstituted office building at 440 Hamilton Avenue, right next to it, will both use the new parking garage. No, it's the garage that will directly tower over its neighbor, the oldest apartment building on Barker Avenue. Photos taken 12/13/21:

That blank facade of the garage facing the street has a sort of Darth Vader look, don't you think? It's much more Darth Vaderish at night in the dark.

That's planning? Who approved that? It's only a couple of blocks from city hall. Did any of them ever walk over and check it out?

Almost all Common Council members almost always live in houses. It's been that way for at least a half a century. They have little consideration or understanding of how their decisions impact the majority of White Plains residents who live in apartments. Common Council members are elected at large, not in geographic districts, so they will continue to dominate White Plains planning until they finally create so many apartments that their hold on White Plains government becomes untenable. That will be both ironic and too late.

Oh, and the traffic ... it may become so great that the mega buses (with few, if any, passengers) that thunder down residential Barker Avenue towards the bus gathering area, will decide on their own to do something that White Plains city government has declined to have the buses do: switch to non residential Hamilton Avenue.

Message sent to Common Council members and the Planning department.

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