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CNA requirements for meeting downtown, not almost in Scarsdale.

We welcome you finding us a downtown location providing free space & free parking suitable for up to 50 people and including free use of...

Friday, December 24, 2021

Public street made semi private while Barker Avenue is subjected to HUGE buses, trucks and eventually hundreds more cars.

Email sent to Common Council and Traffic Department, which insists that it is innovative, and inferring that White Plains is not pedestrian hostile ... in the extreme:


from: Kenneth Matinale
to: Tom Soyk <tsoyk@whiteplainsny.gov>,
date: Dec 24, 2021, 10:22 AM
subject: Gedney Park Drive.

It parallels Mamaroneck Avenue to the east between Heatherbloom and Ridgeway. But it's split in the middle: one way going north and one way south. Cars can only enter from the middle. Obviously, this is to limit and discourage through traffic, especially last night to get an up close view of the Christmas lights on the houses.

This is in stark contrast with Barker Avenue, which has zero houses but several apartment buildings, including two for seniors. For years HUGE regional buses have been driving down Barker Avenue to the area near the train station despite messages from me asking that this be changed. At the very least these useless buses with few if any passengers should be routed down completely NON residential Hamilton Avenue.

Traffic on Barker will become unmanageable in 2023 when that new huge and inappropriately ugly parking garage on Barker becomes operational for the new twin residential rental buildings at the corners of North Broadway and Barker and Hamilton.

The Common Council should walk over there sometime.

Kenneth Matinale


New parking garage will tower over Barker Avenue co-op building. Tuesday, December 14, 2021

That blank facade of the garage facing the street has a sort of Darth Vader look, don't you think? It's much more Darth Vaderish at night in the dark.

That's planning? Who approved that? It's only a couple of blocks from city hall. Did any of them ever walk over and check it out? ...

Oh, and the traffic ... it may become so great that the mega buses (with few, if any, passengers) that thunder down residential Barker Avenue towards the bus gathering area, will decide on their own to do something that White Plains city government has declined to have the buses do: switch to non residential Hamilton Avenue.

Message sent to Common Council members and the Planning department.


buses and trucks allowed along streets with apartment buildings Tuesday, March 1, 2016

NO TRUCKS sign on Fisher Avenue, so how about a NO BUSES sign on Barker Avenue? Wednesday, June 21, 2017

NO Trucks sign across street from main post office. So, why not a NO BUSES sign on Barker Avenue? Friday, July 21, 2017

Emergency vehicles change traffic lights but not in White Plains. Sunday, October 21, 2018

Bus mania is to get train station money as hub for east-west Lower Hudson Transit Link? Tuesday, April 16, 2019

New York "state's designation of White Plains as the hub for the east-west Lower Hudson Transit Link"...

Mayor Thomas Roach and others have delusions of grandeur dancing in their heads. As documented here, the Hudson Link buses have had almost ZERO passengers. It's been a local, state, federal government boondoggle. The number of cars has not decreased as the number of buses continues to dangerously increase, all at the loss of quality of life for downtown residents. The mayor and almost all Common Council members for the last half century live in house neighborhoods outside downtown. They are elected at large, not by geographic district. The current bad policy is just the most recent because of that basic disconnect...

Most of the train station work is neglected routine maintenance for more than three decades following bad original design. And apparently much of that is due to the city selling out and letting downtown become a giant bus terminal. Of course, none of this impacts any of the Common Council house neighborhoods.


Tuesday, December 14, 2021

New parking garage will tower over Barker Avenue co-op building.

It's not even the new apartment building being constructed at the corner of North Broadway and Barker. That building and the reconstituted office building at 440 Hamilton Avenue, right next to it, will both use the new parking garage. No, it's the garage that will directly tower over its neighbor, the oldest apartment building on Barker Avenue. Photos taken 12/13/21:

That blank facade of the garage facing the street has a sort of Darth Vader look, don't you think? It's much more Darth Vaderish at night in the dark.

That's planning? Who approved that? It's only a couple of blocks from city hall. Did any of them ever walk over and check it out?

Almost all Common Council members almost always live in houses. It's been that way for at least a half a century. They have little consideration or understanding of how their decisions impact the majority of White Plains residents who live in apartments. Common Council members are elected at large, not in geographic districts, so they will continue to dominate White Plains planning until they finally create so many apartments that their hold on White Plains government becomes untenable. That will be both ironic and too late.

Oh, and the traffic ... it may become so great that the mega buses (with few, if any, passengers) that thunder down residential Barker Avenue towards the bus gathering area, will decide on their own to do something that White Plains city government has declined to have the buses do: switch to non residential Hamilton Avenue.

Message sent to Common Council members and the Planning department.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Westchester County Executive George Latimer's staff: bloated is an understatement. 35 people.


They are listed below in the same order as on the website, which doesn't make much sense. The word budget does not appear among any of the titles. Nothing about county computer systems, which suck. Did you try to get the COVID vaccination through the county? And you are not a teacher? Enough on county computer systems.

Some counts from the list of 35 below; there is some overlap:

Confidential: 3: 2 for the County Executive and one for his assistant. To do what? Schedule dental appointments, vacations, ...?
Director: 16
Assistant: 7
Staff: 7
Communications: 5
Deputy: 5
Health: 4
Intergovernmental: 3
Business: 3
Operations: 3
Secretary: 3
Policy: 3
Constituent: 2

1. Senior Staff Assistant Fadiya Abbasi

2. Receptionist Nancy Aladino

3. Director of Policy and Programs, Small Business and Chambers of Commerce Shari Ascher

4. Special Assistant to CE Diane Atkins

5. Director of Intergovernmental Relations Steve Bass

6. Senior Producer Videography and Studio Manager John Borst

7. Communications Director Catherine Cioffi

8. Director of Faith Based Initiatives and Urban Affairs Crystal Collins

9. Assistant to the County Executive Copernicus Crane

10. Chief of Staff Andrew Ferris

11. Director of Policy and Programs, Childcare and Education Roseanne Finizio

12. Deputy Communications Director Carolyn Fortino

13. Assistant to the County Executive Government Relations Paula Friedman

14. Constituent Services Andrew Genna

15. Economic Development Bridget Gibbons

16. Assistant Director of Intergovernmental Relations Ellen Hendrickx

17. Deputy County Executive Kenneth Jenkins

18. Constituent Services Janet Lokay

19. Director of Minority and Women-Owned Business Development Martha Lopez

20. Assistant Director of Operations Blanca Lopez

21. Director of Energy Conservation and Sustainability Peter McCartt

22. Intergovernmental Affairs Kyle McIntyre

23. Director of Policy and Programs Health and Infrastructure Aviva Meyer

24. Director of Operations Joan McDonald

25. Director of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Deborah Novick

26. Communications and Marketing Manager Chelsea Pagano

27. Business Attraction and Retention Specialist Corazon Pineda

28. Staff Assistant SP SPKG Rosa Ramon

29. Communications Specialist Lisa Reyes

30. Deputy Director of Operations Emily Saltzman

31. Confidential Scheduling Secretary Bessie Schachter

32. Deputy Communications Director Joe Sgammato

33. Director of Countywide Administrative Services Christopher Steers

34. Confidential Secretary to the County Executive Tracy Thompson

35. Confidential Secretary to the Deputy County Executive Diana Toledo

The End.

Monday, September 27, 2021

2021 Candidates for White Plains Common Council. Good luck finding it on your own.

I dug this out after receiving unhelpful messages from the League of Women Voters.

Apparently, three Common Council seats are up for election but only two of the three incumbents are running for reelection. It's unclear as to who is not running for reelection.

The mayor is running unopposed.


(I marked incumbents in BOLD.)




Thursday, July 15, 2021

Multi million dollar tents being dismantled after never being used. County Executive George Latimer should be held accountable.

It started yesterday. The four huge tents near the Westchester County Center building in White Plains are being dismantled 18 months after their creation by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in the spring of 2020 to handle COVID patients. As far as I know, those tents were never used for anything. Not for their original purpose of treating COVID patients and never for vaccinating people.

Maybe the reason is the same as why the military hospital ship sent to New York harbor was not used by Governor Andrew Cuomo. Neither the governor nor the Westchester County Executive George Latimer wanted any credit to go to the federal government ... of the previous administration. Or it could simply be gross incompetence, which is at least as believable.

Here are five posts at this blog addressing the issue, which was ignored by the local sympathetic media.

Vaccine for COVID-19: County Executive favors teachers (union). Friday, January 15, 2021

Supplies have been cut but there were massive problems already from New York State down to Westchester County with elected officials not able to plan, organize or administer. All while they're licking themselves and preening.

The Westchester County Center building in White Plains is the major location for vaccination. But for some reason, the four large tents that had been created by the Army Corps of Engineers in the spring (2020) to handle COVID patients have not been used to vaccinate. Were any patients ever treated in those tents?


Why is Westchester removing HUGE unused tents that could be COVID-19 vaccination sites? Sunday, January 24, 2021

You can't make up stuff like this.

Friday, January 22, 2021 at 11:18 AM the south most of the four tents adjacent to the Westchester County Center building was observed being dismantled ...

Today, Sunday January 24, 2021 at 10:57 AM all four tent roofs had been removed...

The Westchester County Center building is the only substantial COVID-19 vaccination site currently in White Plains...

So why the sudden rush to destroy unused resources just when they might finally serve a good purpose? Is there an explanation other than incompetence?


$43 million County Center emergency hospital included those four HUGE unused tents being dismantled. Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Those tents have large steel structures and external equipment for plumbing and heating/cooling. People could live in them in an emergency. Take a look before they are gone...

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers converted the County Center and adjacent parking lot into emergency hospital that had 110 beds as COVID-19 hospitalizations skyrocketed. The cost for the transformation was $42.9 million.


Westchester County disabled but did not dismantle those four HUGE tents at the County Center. Thursday, February 11, 2021

Since the County Center building is still the primary building in White Plains used to vaccinate people against COVID-19, the adjacent tents could have provided much additional space for that purpose. But rather than use them to vaccinate, Westchester County removed the tops in January supposedly to make room for additional parking, which was not needed. Then rather than complete the removal of the tents, they sit there as of February 11, 2021: unusable and still occupying possible parking spaces...

The tents were intended for COVID patients, so they should easily be useful for simple vaccination. No COVID patients ever used those tents. They were created when Westchester County and New York panicked rather than planned a year ago. Now Westchester County is further wasting the many millions of dollars spent on these tents.

Who is responsible for these decisions?

Where is the oversight?

Where is the media attention to this?


County Center has vaccine but Westchester County clinic does not. Huh? Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Apparently the Westchester County Center building will be open tomorrow for vaccinations. The capacity there could be much bigger if the four huge tents had been left operational.

Vaccine for COVID-19: County Executive favors teachers (union). Friday, January 15, 2021

Why is Westchester removing HUGE unused tents that could be COVID-19 vaccination sites? Sunday, January 24, 2021

$43 million County Center emergency hospital included those four HUGE unused tents being dismantled. Tuesday, January 26, 2021


Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Galleria plan: street life or life threatening?

Can Downtown White Plains Save the Galleria Mall?

by Duke Ratliff March 18, 2021 westchestermagazine.com/

Referring to “the great wall of the Galleria,” Roach says the rehabilitation of the downtown area including and surrounding the mall was one of his first goals as mayor.

“That section of the city is devoid of street level services, and it is cold and antiseptic,” Roach says. “I think we’re going to turn it into something that’s alive with street life, like what you see on Mamaroneck Avenue.”


Earth to mayor. Earth to mayor. Come in, mayor. Mamaroneck Avenue has two lanes of traffic, in each direction, moving slowly, in part, because of parallel parking on each side. Main Street along the north "street life" side of the Galleria mall is FOUR lanes in one direction going pretty fast and made more interstate like by all the HUGE busses, most with few passengers, some (think Hudson Link) with ZERO passengers. Oh, and there's no parallel parking; it would slow the speeders. 

There's also the pedestrian death defying two lanes (sometimes three) turning left into the crosswalk onto MLK Blvd in the middle of the Galleria. Some of those turning cars must quickly move three lanes to the right to make a right turn onto Hamilton Avenue, one of too many such dangerous downtown intersections to which city planners and officials have become numb and disinterested.

Yeah, who wouldn't want that kind of street life?

Controlled demolition of the Galleria advocated for years here. Now city considering it. Thursday, March 11, 2021

Next for Galleria: hole in ground or abandoned building? Sunday, March 14, 2021

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Next for Galleria: hole in ground or abandoned building?

Controlled demolition of the Galleria advocated for years here. Now city considering it. Thursday, March 11, 2021

... could involve demolishing part or all of the structure, according to White Plains Mayor Tom Roach...


The late, not so great, train station (at the location of 15 Bank Street twin rental towers) was eventually demolished and replaced with a big hole in the ground for parts of three decades: late 1970s, 1980s, early 1990s. At least one small tree grew there.

It's heir is the giant hole in the ground at Maple Avenue, a block up from Bloomingdale Lane. It's been that way about three years.

A current abandoned site is the mini mall, which still contains the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Partial demolition of the Galleria seems unlikely. Wipe out the entire mall and the attached municipal garage and start over. Unfortunately, quick development in White Plains is the exception, so new and improved use of the Galleria location is years, hopefully not decades, away.

How many years has work been going on to refurbish the train station?

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Controlled demolition of the Galleria advocated for years here. Now city considering it.

BREAKING NEWS: White Plains Galleria may soon be making way for major development project By Peter Katz - March 10, 2021  westfaironline.com

Plans are being created to redevelop the Galleria shopping mall in downtown White Plains into a massive mixed-use project that could involve demolishing part or all of the structure, according to White Plains Mayor Tom Roach...

The mayor revealed that the city had been involved in “serious” ongoing talks regarding redevelopment of the mall site. He said that as owner of the municipal garage adjacent to the mall, the city has a distinct interest in the property.


The following posts were sent to White Plains decision makers, mostly elected officials, and to the lame local media. All were too unimaginative and timid to act or investigate until now the plague has forced the closing of Macy's and Sears, the two anchor stores of the Galleria mall, and something had to be done. The city should have been out in front but lagged way back.

In Las Vegas they demolish useless structures: Galleria, Library. Monday, March 14, 2016

Instead of moaning about the Galleria, remove it. Central Park should have been put there.

The library takes up valuable space and has long since outlived its usefulness. The City could derive lots of money from selling that land, including the desolate concrete area between it and the public safety building, you know, the one that is unmarked and has an entrance more secret than that to the Batcave.


10 LAS VEGAS Hotels That Were IMPLODED: a planning model for White Plains. Thursday, March 17, 2016

Watch the video:


12 parks? Name 'em. Wednesday, May 25, 2016

New York City also includes small strips of land in its count of "parks" but it also has large botanical gardens in Brooklyn and the Bronx and, of course, Central Park in Manhattan and Prospect Park in Brooklyn.

A central park is exactly what White Plains lacks. It should have been created at the site of the unsightly Galleria indoor shopping mall between Main Street and Martine Avenue. Evacuation and controlled demolition are the only real solution to that mess.


Open space on Galleria parking garage roof could be a park. Saturday, February 17, 2018

With a little imagination, not even a lot. Photo below taken Saturday Feb. 17, 2018 at 2:30 PM. In other words in the middle of the afternoon on a cold overcast winter day: perfect for shopping. And even then the garage roof of the Galleria indoor mall has no cars, ZERO. Could that space be put to good use?


Questions for tonight's candidates debate for Common Council. Monday, June 17, 2019

At the library, tonight 7-9 PM. Hey, what else is the library good for? ...

Would you support controlled demolition of the Galleria and its garage for the purpose of creating a central park?

Note: my question was not asked by the League of Women Voters.


Galleria: put it out of its misery. Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Would you support controlled demolition of the Galleria and its garage for the purpose of creating a central park? ...

My question was not asked. Too bad. White Plains is a one horse town. Always was. Always will be.


Galleria garage roof: they don't even bother to remove snow because nobody parks there! Make it a park! Saturday, December 19, 2020


Thursday, February 18, 2021

Westchester County Health Commissioner: ask about COVID-19 vaccine.


Nope. Won't find the commissioner there.

Try this:


I count 34. Do you think that Westchester County has too many commissioners and directors?

Health Commissioner
Dr. Sherlita Amler
(914) 864-7292

John Califano: Department of Health, Westchester County contact.

John Califano

Application Support Administrator at Westchester County Department of Health.

Email: jjcg@westchestergov.com

Somewhat involved in COVID-19 vaccination scheduling by Westchester County, such as it is.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

County Center has vaccine but Westchester County clinic does not. Huh?


Subject: COVID vaccine mess in White Plains, New York.

from: Ken
to: Chris Burdick <burdickc@nyassembly.gov>
cc: George Latimer <ce@westchestergov.com>,
Benjamin Boykin <Boykin@westchesterlegislators.com>,
Alfreda Williams <awilliams@westchesterlegislators.com>,

To: Chris Burdick, new member State Assembly District 93
White Plains, NY 


COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics Cancelled on Thursday February 18 and Friday February 19
Due to historic weather conditions across the country affecting the delivery of COVID vaccine, the Westchester County Department of Health must postpone the following vaccination clinics:
• Thursday, February 18 at 134 Court Street, White Plains
• Friday, February 19 at 134 Court Street, White Plains
• Friday, February 19 at Westchester Community College


I'm scheduled for Moderna dose two 2/18/21 at the Westchester Dept. of Health office in White Plains at 134 Court Street. This morning I received a message from New York State confirming my appointment tomorrow. In the 27 days since my first vaccination I have not received any electronic message from Westchester County. I learned from friends that tomorrow's appointments have been cancelled. I later found that information on the county web page above.

Moderna is in Texas, so that may be why the vaccine did not arrive but where did New York State get its supply and why did the state send confirming email messages this morning? There is a big disconnect between Westchester County and the state. BIG!

Apparently the Westchester County Center building will be open tomorrow for vaccinations. The capacity there could be much bigger if the four huge tents had been left operational.

Vaccine for COVID-19: County Executive favors teachers (union). Friday, January 15, 2021

Why is Westchester removing HUGE unused tents that could be COVID-19 vaccination sites? Sunday, January 24, 2021

$43 million County Center emergency hospital included those four HUGE unused tents being dismantled. Tuesday, January 26, 2021


Thursday, February 11, 2021

Westchester County disabled but did not dismantle those four HUGE tents at the County Center.

Since the County Center building is still the primary building in White Plains used to vaccinate people against COVID-19, the adjacent tents could have provided much additional space for that purpose. But rather than use them to vaccinate, Westchester County removed the tops in January supposedly to make room for additional parking, which was not needed. Then rather than complete the removal of the tents, they sit there as of February 11, 2021: unusable and still occupying possible parking spaces.

What the heck? How does that make any sense? The following post contains more detail:

$43 million County Center emergency hospital included those four HUGE unused tents being dismantled. Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Those tents have large steel structures and external equipment for plumbing and heating/cooling. People could live in them in an emergency.


The tents were intended for COVID patients, so they should easily be useful for simple vaccination. No COVID patients ever used those tents. They were created when Westchester County and New York panicked rather than planned a year ago. Now Westchester County is further wasting the many millions of dollars spent on these tents.

Who is responsible for these decisions?

Where is the oversight?

Where is the media attention to this?

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

$43 million County Center emergency hospital included those four HUGE unused tents being dismantled.

Those tents have large steel structures and external equipment for plumbing and heating/cooling. People could live in them in an emergency. Take a look before they are gone. 

The key item is way down at the bottom of the article quoted below: the cost for something not used:

Recent "LoHud" (Lower Hudson Valley as White Plains does not have coverage) article 1/25/21


The tents outside the Westchester County Center in White Plains are coming down after the hospital beds they housed were never used, the county announced Monday.

Deputy County Executive Ken Jenkins said during a COVID-19 briefing the state would fully dismantle the tents situated on the County Center parking lot within two or three weeks. The tents were originally put up in March as part of an effort to expand hospital capacity regionally at the peak of the COVID-19 first wave. The inside of the County Center was also converted into an overflow hospital and is now used as a mass vaccination site...

Once the tents are cleared, parking will be available for people traveling to the County Center to get their vaccine shots...

The facility has not treated COVID-19 patients. It's only other use was as a virus antibody testing site in the late spring...

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers converted the County Center and adjacent parking lot into emergency hospital that had 110 beds as COVID-19 hospitalizations skyrocketed. The cost for the transformation was $42.9 million.


Vaccine for COVID-19: County Executive favors teachers (union). Friday, January 15, 2021

Supplies have been cut but there were massive problems already from New York State down to Westchester County with elected officials not able to plan, organize or administer. All while they're licking themselves and preening.

The Westchester County Center building in White Plains is the major location for vaccination. But for some reason, the four large tents that had been created by the Army Corps of Engineers in the spring to handle COVID patients have not been used to vaccinate. Were any patients ever treated in those tents?


Why is Westchester removing HUGE unused tents that could be COVID-19 vaccination sites? Sunday, January 24, 2021

You can't make up stuff like this...

The 16 second video pan below shows plenty of parking available in case Westchester County claims it is destroying the four HUGE tents to restore parking spaces: ...

The Westchester County Center building is the only substantial COVID-19 vaccination site currently in White Plains. A Westchester County clinic at 34 Court Street in White Plains starting vaccinating Thursday January 21, 2021. That first day was so badly organized that many people with appointments had to stand OUTSIDE, some for more than 45 minutes, just to get inside to start checking in. That building is much too small for such a purpose. Those four steel structured tents at the Westchester County Center would seem much better suited...

So why the sudden rush to destroy unused resources just when they might finally serve a good purpose? Is there an explanation other than incompetence?


Hardly any of the County Center parking lot is being used by commuters. At most one third of that parking lot is used by those going to the County Center building to get vaccinated. That Westchester County clinic building at 34 Court Street in White Plains would probably fit inside one of the four tents.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Why is Westchester removing HUGE unused tents that could be COVID-19 vaccination sites?

You can't make up stuff like this.

Friday, January 22, 2021 at 11:18 AM the south most of the four tents adjacent to the Westchester County Center building was observed being dismantled:

Today, Sunday January 24, 2021 at 10:57 AM all four tent roofs had been removed. The 16 second video pan below shows plenty of parking available in case Westchester County claims it is destroying the four HUGE tents to restore parking spaces:

The Westchester County Center building is the only substantial COVID-19 vaccination site currently in White Plains. A Westchester County clinic at 34 Court Street in White Plains starting vaccinating Thursday January 21, 2021. That first day was so badly organized that many people with appointments had to stand OUTSIDE, some  for more than 45 minutes, just to get inside to start checking in. That building is much too small for such a purpose. Those four steel structured tents at the Westchester County Center would seem much better suited.

Vaccine for COVID-19: County Executive favors teachers (union). Friday, January 15, 2021

Supplies have been cut but there were massive problems already from New York State down to Westchester County with elected officials not able to plan, organize or administer. All while they're licking themselves and preening.

The Westchester County Center building in White Plains is the major location for vaccination. But for some reason, the four large tents that had been created by the Army Corps of Engineers in the spring to handle COVID patients have not been used to vaccinate. Were any patients ever treated in those tents?


So why the sudden rush to destroy unused resources just when they might finally serve a good purpose? Is there an explanation other than incompetence?