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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Galleria parking garage sidewalk not cleared of snow.

And it's right across the street from the Public Safety building. Some workers in that building park in the Galleria parking garage and then jaywalk across Martine Avenue into their office. They must see that snow was ignored on the Galleria parking garage sidewalk well after the snow had been cleared from the sidewalks of the municipal buildings along Martine across the street. And the Public Safety building has windows.

Photos taken at 11:40 AM, Wednesday, February 7, 2018:

Notice in the second photo that the snow was cleared half way down the block on South Lexington but snow was left on the sidewalk adjacent to the Galleria parking garage. It couldn't be more obvious that whatever entity is responsible for snow removal of the Galleria parking garage sidewalk is negligent. But enforcement people directly across the street are oblivious.

You would think that whoever cleared the snow from the Galleria retail sidewalk along Main Street might be responsible enough to continue and do it along Martine Avenue. But no common sense there either.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Apparently not. White Plains is a one horse town. Always was. Always will be.


Mixer12 said...

Galleria East and West, Hamilton Main, Chester Maple, City Center and Transcenter are cleaned by the Parking Department. That's six locations.There's only one Public Safety Building. I can guarantee that the other sites were being cleared of snow at the time this photo was taken.

Kenneth Matinale said...

There are two photos and ny comments that one side of the Galleria had been cleared and the other not. I don't really get your point.

In any case, the CITY should ensure that all sidewalks are cleared expeditiously.