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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Pedestrian controlled traffic light is long overdue at Lake Street and Stewart Place.

White Plains is pedestrian hostile in the extreme. A great example is at the Lake Street intersection with Stewart Place, right across from the only downtown city park.

There's that New York State sign at the Stewart Place crosswalk informing drivers that they must yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk. Of course, no one is going to enter that dangerous crosswalk until the cars have stopped in both directions. Many of the people crossing are young children with an adult, either walking or in a stroller.

If the Public Safety and Traffic Commissioners had any sense, this problem would have been fixed years ago. More likely is that they don't even know about it. That's how disconnected city officials and Common Council members are.

A good solution is the same as that already implemented years ago on North Broadway, across from Barker Avenue. Take a look. It's just north of Lake Street on the same side of North Broadway at the next traffic light. Apparently, the citizens who live in the apartment building complained enough to get some action. That's standard operating procedure in White Plains and has been for decades. Sit back and act only when provoked.

Unfortunately, the newly formed neighborhood association representing Stewart Place and Ross Street is consumed with waging what will be a losing battle against the development of the land behind the closed Good Counsel school. The only bright spot there is that it will be almost a decade before any new people start living at that new development. That's the pace of things in White Plains. However, when completed, there will be that many more people in danger trying to cross Lake Street to get to any stores. And most of those cars on Lake Street are used by people who do not even live in White Plains.

White Plains ... Motown!

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