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Saturday, February 6, 2016

How far will residents walk to reach the train station?

Pretty far. That seems to be what the Common Council thinks: that the residents in the 700 new apartments at 60 South Broadway (defunct Sports Authority mall) will not all want to drive to the train station. That most of them will be young and presumably in good enough health to walk. Would you make that walk? And back? Five days a week?

And what about weekends? Might they get a little frisky and want to drive their cars ... someplace?

Don't forget, 550 apartments are also being built at 55 Bank Street. While that may be close enough for most residents to walk to the train station, what about trips elsewhere, like the Westchester mall or restaurants at 60 South Broadway or just someplace?

And more apartment buildings are likely to come near the train station, although not too soon. At least they won't have far to walk to the train. Everything else maybe.

White Plains is pedestrian hostile and that seems likely to get worse. Pedestrian Commissioner, anyone?


Cliff Blau said...

Who says they are all taking the train five days a week? Anyway, soon they'll all be using self-driving Ubers.

Kenneth Matinale said...

The demographics the City sees indicates Millennials commuting to NYC. The City has the delusion that these will not see a need for a car but will provide parking spaces at the apartment buildings just the same. Otherwise they wouldn't get rented.

Apartment buildings on Lake Street are almost as far as the commuter walks. What percent of Lake Street commuters walk to the train station?