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Friday, March 7, 2025

Status 4 weeks after 50 EV charging stations announcement: not so good.

Westchester County Expands Free Ev Charging To Support Sustainability Goals

Published: 07 February 2025

Westchester County has installed 25 new electric vehicle (EV) charging stations at the County Center’s South Parking Lot, providing free charging for up to 50 electric vehicles at a time...

That web page above has a link to an 18 minute announcement event:


It's the new county executive and five others in self congratulation acting like cats licking themselves, oblivious that the EV charging stations have not been activated. I left this comment:

Today I walked to these EV charging stations and after they have been there for months they still do not appear to be activated. Nor is there any signage on the road or nearby that would alert drivers about their existence. The concrete steps to exit the parking area are closed at the top. There were no cars there getting charged. NONE. I just sent my fourth email in 2025 to the new county executive asking about this and I have received only the auto reply. Do any of these people on the podium know any of this?


As of yesterday March 6 at noon:

- no signage on the road or nearby that would alert drivers

- concrete steps to exit the parking area still closed at the top

- two cars charging; two of a possible 50

I charged my EV there Saturday February 22, 2025 at mid day. Three other cars were charging. Many stations did not have full IDs. I had to walk along and try to view them using the app on my phone. Then move my car to one that might work. I got this message, which I sent to the company, Flo:

"Charging output restricted to 6 A due to power sharing between charging stations."

Flo replied:

... usually means that the charging station is sharing power between multiple vehicles. As a result, the output is limited to ensure that all connected vehicles receive a portion of the available power...

Thank you again for bringing this to our attention



I counted 32 people on the staff of the County Executive. Maybe that's part of the problem.

This post will be sent to:

Kenneth Jenkins, County Executive

Peter McCartt
Westchester County Electric Vehicles (EV)
Chairman of Climate Smart Communities Task Force:
1st Term Appointing Authority: Ex-Officio
Director of Environment and Sustainability



Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Westchester County budget for Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations.

2025 Westchester County Capital Proposed Budget

Pages 243-244:


Project Description
This project funds the installation of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations and associated infrastructure at various County and municipal locations. The County will work
with NYSERDA, NYPA and NYSDEC to explore any Non-County funding that may be available for this project.

Current Year Description

The current year request funds the continuation of this project.

Current Year Financing Plan
Year Bonds
2025 $5,000,000

Impact on Operating Budget
The impact on the Operating Budget is the debt service associated with the issuance of bonds.

Appropriation History

2020-2024 $45,000,000

More money figures are on those pages.


Is it $45,000,000 or $87,000,000?

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Videos of empty Westchester County EV charging stations, the ones celebrated prematurely.

The new county executive celebrated eight days ago: February 7, 2025:

Electric Vehicle charging stations: Westchester County promotes them before activation. What the heck? Friday, February 14, 2025

Two short videos taken this morning Saturday, February 15, 2025 about 10:30 AM. When the image appears, click it and it will expand and play my comments.

2 minutes, 18 seconds:


1 minute, 14 seconds: 


Friday, February 14, 2025

Electric Vehicle charging stations: Westchester County promotes them before activation. What the heck?

Westchester County Expands Free Ev Charging To Support Sustainability Goals

Published: 07 February 2025

Westchester County has installed 25 new electric vehicle (EV) charging stations at the County Center’s South Parking Lot, providing free charging for up to 50 electric vehicles at a time.


OK, you get the idea. You would obviously conclude that these Electric Vehicle charging stations have been activated, especially since they were installed months ago. But I look over there frequently and I have never seen a single car using them. Today, I went there on foot and used the app from the company Flo to try to make contact and that failed. I called Flo and was informed that it does not activate its Electric Vehicle charging stations but the organization hosting them (Westchester County) does it.

Westchester County did the same thing at the North White Plains train station surface parking lot, which is administered by the county (Who knew?). When I got my Electric Vehicle in February, 2024 I tried the eight Flo charging stations there and learned that they had not been activated. Months passed before they were.

What kind of management is that?

That web page above has a link to an 18 minute announcement event:


It's the new county executive and five others in self congratulation acting like cats licking themselves, oblivious that the EV charging stations have not been activated. I left this comment:

Today I walked to these EV charging stations and after they have been there for months they still do not appear to be activated. Nor is there any signage on the road or nearby that would alert drivers about their existence. The concrete steps to exit the parking area are closed at the top. There were no cars there getting charged. NONE. I just sent my fourth email in 2025 to the new county executive asking about this and I have received only the auto reply. Do any of these people on the podium know any of this?


Those blocked concrete steps lead to a pedestrian overpass of the Bronx River Parkway to the WP train station, further evidence that EV charging stations are not operational. How could they not know all of this?

The city of White Plains has been on the verge of updating its EV charging stations for a year but I don't see anything on the city website with current information.

One final point. I have an EV and I have always wanted clean air and clean water. But I'm realistic about the planet and some of the rhetoric is dated. If you want to do something, don't drive. Driving an EV doesn't really make much difference. I drive an EV because I hate gas stations. Pumping your own gas is one of the most revolting things that we do regularly.

If you have a private garage and you plan to get a new car, you have to be an idiot to buy another gas car. I'm in an apartment building with no EV charging stations, so I have to hunt for public ones. I have urged the city to require apartment buildings to have some but to no avail.

Videos of empty Westchester County EV charging stations, the ones celebrated prematurely. Saturday, February 15, 2025

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Any apartment buildings that ban dogs in White Plains?


Any rentals?

Any co-ops?

Any condos?

Laws in New York State protect dog owners. None protect the rest of us.

Apartment buildings are for people, not dogs.

"Pet friendly" apartment buildings have become the norm.

For people who get a note from their doctor that they need a dog for physical or emotional assistance, how about apartment buildings that accommodate that exclusively? Let the rest of us live in apartment buildings that do not have animals. Otherwise:

If you want to live with animals, buy a farm and sleep in the barn.

How about some common sense restrictions?

Separate entrance and elevators for dogs.

Failing that: no sharing. Dogs may enter an elevator only with the permission of the people already on. Stuff like that.

Dog free floors.

No congregating of dogs: entrance, lobby, sidewalk, ...

I think that COVID unleashed (pun intended) universal cohabiting of people and dogs. Dogs in baby strollers. It's 100% DOGS!

Elected officials and hired administrators won't rock the boat. For half a century in White Plains almost all Common Council members, elected at large, have lived in houses, so it doesn't impact them or the other house owners on their street.

Environmental impact of dog piss and shit? Vernacular used to be more descriptive.

How about public hearings?

Pets, especially dogs, should be banned from apartment buildings. Saturday, October 12, 2024

White Plains: dog city? Do they have more rights than people? Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sunday, October 13, 2024

White Plains: dog city? Do they have more rights than people?

Pets, especially dogs, should be banned from apartment buildings. Saturday, October 12, 2024

Random thoughts:

If you want to live with animals, buy a farm and sleep in the barn.

What city official monitors any of this? License? Breeds? Size? Number per apartment? ???  How can a resident complain?

Percent of apartment building units that may have dogs? 100%?

Dog free (dogs prohibited) elevators, entry, floors, ... anything that makes sense? Is there even one limitation?

Are there 10,000 apartments in downtown White Plains that have dogs? Where do they piss and shit? Where? This is the disgusting issue that "planners" never address. And where does the waste go?

Environmental impact of dogs in apartment buildings?

Prohibit dogs from retail stores, including and especially food stores like supermarkets. People handle their dog and then touch food that they may not buy. Yuck.

Apartment buildings are difficult enough for so many people to get along. The Avalon on Barker Avenue has about 400 units. The only three elevators are all in the same location.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Pets, especially dogs, should be banned from apartment buildings.

In downtown White Plains pretty much every apartment building is "pet friendly", which means that humans cohabitate with animals.


1. It's unsanitary. Dogs are taken out to piss and shit three times a day. Each time a plastic bag is used to capture the shit and dispose of it. That's about 1,000 plastic bags per year per dog. How does that impact the environment? Suppose we managed human waste that way? If a human did what the dog does, the human would get a summons and eventually be arrested. What the heck?

2. It's dangerous. Dogs can become aggressive in apartment buildings, especially in or entering an elevator. Dog owners are oblivious. They congregate at the entrance to buildings and in the lobby. Dogs are not restricted to certain elevators. There are no rules about letting people complete their elevator ride without dogs entering.

Dog owners react to someone being apprehensive about the proximity of their dog with: oh, my dog is friendly. Yeah, to you, its source of food and shelter. The rest of us are a threat and/or a meal.

"Curb your dog" is a long lost concept for dog owners. Almost universally, they walk their dog in the middle of the sidewalk, path, etc. And often on one of those expandable leashes so that the owner has minimal, if any, control.

I recently read a thread on Reddit about this and was surprised that many people think as I do that dogs should be banned from apartment buildings:

Dogs should not be allowed to live in ANY apartment


Oct. 3 2024 I sent that to commoncouncil@whiteplainsny.gov

No reply. The Common Council is and has always been dominated by people who live in houses in the suburbs of White Plains. They are elected at large, not by geographic area. That helps perpetuate their power. Downtown exists for their amusement and to subsidize the property tax.

A couple of weeks ago I sent email to White Plains Public Safety (wppublicsafety@whiteplainsny.gov) about a dog safety issue in my rental building but I have not received a reply.

Thousands of new downtown apartments have been created in recent years and thousands more are being created now. None have even common sense restrictions on dogs. "Pet friendly" makes money for the developers. White Plains Common Council wants the extra sales and property tax generated.

Turnure Park between Lake Street and Main Street is the only real downtown park. It just erected a new sign at the Lake Street entrance reiterating the rules, which include no smoking and no dogs. No dogs? Has anyone ever seen that enforced?

I don't expect the building owners or government to do anything but maybe you dog owners can reevaluate your attitudes and be more considerate.

White Plains: dog city? Do they have more rights than people? Sunday, October 13, 2024

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Pedestrian killed by car today. White Plains is pedestrian hostile.

This morning walking to the supermarket in the City Center along Church Street I saw that Main Street was closed and there were several police cars. I asked an officer what had happened and he told me that a pedestrian had been struck and killed by a car.

In the middle of Main there was stuff, including a bag, on the ground suggesting that the accident was near Church Street rather than the T intersection of Main and Mamaroneck Avenue.

It's one of many messy intersections. Pedestrians often cross against the traffic light there. Cars on Mamaroneck Avenue must make a right onto one way Main and then a quick left to go onto Church Street.

Those usually/mostly empty and useless Hudsonlink buses on Main make a left onto narrow Church Street often with cars parked on the right side of Church, something allowed in recent years.

Could this death have been prevented with different policies? I don't know but walking in downtown White Plains should not be nearly as dangerous as it has been for decades.

Just yesterday a friend told me how different it was on her recent trip to seven countries in Europe. Cars cannot go everywhere and they go slowly. There are real bike lanes, not dangerous nonsensical ones that satisfy do-gooders.

Many Europeans take public transportation according to my friend. Here even the county Bee Line buses are rarely even half full. We can't all drive whenever we want, wherever we want. And we need to slow down.

New speed limit in White Plains? There was an old speed limit? Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

New speed limit in White Plains? There was an old speed limit?

There are two priorities in White Plains:

- Let cars speed through during rush hour with no benefit to the city. It's sort of like letting strangers use your bathroom. Apparently it's a benefit to businesses in the area.

- Let house owners speed through downtown to get to/from their houses quickly.


White Plains Reduces Speed Limits On City Streets

The mayor said the lower speed limit will make White Plains streets safer for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists.

Michael Woyton, Patch Staff
Posted Fri, Apr 26, 2024

In February, the White Plains Common Council determined that making roadways safer in the city is a top priority and approved an ordinance reducing the speed limit throughout White Plains from 30 to 25 mph.

Starting in May, the White Plains Transportation Department will begin the process of installing new signs indicating the new citywide 25 mph speed limit.

All city streets except for the following will see the changes:

Bryant Avenue
Central Avenue
Central Westchester Parkway
Mamaroneck Avenue
North Broadway
North Street
Old Mamaroneck Road
Tarrytown Road
Westchester Avenue
White Plains Avenue


The speed limit has been 30 miles per hour (mph)? How could you tell? Today I walked along Bloomingdale Road, Mamaroneck Avenue, then Bryant Avenue. My guess is that pretty much every car was going way faster than 30 mph.

Not mentioned, so limited to 25 mph starting in May 2024:
Main Street
Hamilton Avenue
Martine Avenue
Maple Avenue
Post Road (south of North Broadway),
South Lexington
Bank Street
Lake Street.

I probably missed some other motor speedways.

White Plains needs a Pedestrian Commissioner. Sunday, June 13, 2010

It's obvious that neither the Traffic nor Public Safety Commissioners give a damn how pedestrian hostile White Plains becomes, so how about a Pedestrian Commissioner, someone who represents the interests of pedestrians? ...

The Traffic Commissioner has established non-intuitive rules such as cars being allowed to turn from other than the immediate lane, such as Main Street turning right onto Lexington Avenue where cars from the TWO right lanes may turn.  The Public Safety Commissioner allows cars to get away with this trick even where it is not permitted ...

... neither the mayor nor the common council members do anything to make WP less pedestrian hostile.


Thursday, November 2, 2023

Affordable Housing: #1 issue. Really? REALLY!?

 You can't make up stuff like this. I received in the mail:

Five numbered issues are prominently listed and number one is

"Expand Affordable Housing".

Question for Candidates Forum for White Plains Common Council 10/25/2023. Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Of the seven (including the mayor) current Common Council members, I think only John Martin and Rich Payne live in apartments. White Plains is generally controlled by house owners outnumbering apartment dwellers by an even larger proportion on the council. It's been that way for at least the last half century.

I may be paraphrasing but I recall candidate 
Jeremiah Frei-Pearson said at the "Candidates Forum" that Affordable Housing is a national crisis. At this Democratic party link: "He lives in the Gedney Farms neighborhood of White Plains."

The other two candidates above also live in single family houses away from downtown.

Affordable housing hypocrisy expands. Saturday, April 13, 2019

Common Council members should send us a Candygram when they implement affordable housing policy which actually puts their skin in the game: "affordable people" live near them and CC members actually subsidize affordable housing policy themselves...

The Common Council members all live in houses in the suburbs of White Plains and so are not directly affected. The last thing they want is an affordable person moving into the house next to theirs...

First of all, it's affordable apartments...

House owners do not have 10% of the houses on their block occupied by "affordable housing" people. Nor are they paying more in property taxes to make up for "affordable housing" people paying less...

The "market rate" renters in the other 90% of apartments are making up the difference.


It's my understanding that 12 percent is now the top requirement for the number of apartments in a new development that must be "affordable".

At the "Candidates Forum" they expressed concern that police officers and fire fighters cannot afford to live in White Plains. There's an obvious common sense solution: pay them more money. But then residents living in houses would have their taxes increased and nothing about Affordable Housing policy ever does anything to do that. Only residents renting in apartment buildings pay the difference to subsidize Affordable Housing. Plus, maybe some recent condominiums but the newest condo was built around 2006. Everything since then are rental buildings, most of which are expensive.