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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Electric Vehicle Charging: White Plains, NY - Official Website


from: Kenneth Matinale
to: commoncouncil@whiteplainsny.gov
cc: parking@whiteplainsny.gov

date: May 14, 2023, 7:59 PM
subject: Electric Vehicle Charging | White Plains, NY - Official Website


When was this updated? I think they add up to 31. Five years ago I counted 28.

Is the number increasing to about 90? What's the schedule?

In addition to the Mitchell apartment complex and Continuum II and its nearby office to resident conversion, Barker and Hamilton have three new residential complexes under construction that will add 2,300 parking spaces. Barker Avenue is one lane in each direction and already has giant buses roaring down to the train station because you won't route them on Hamilton Avenue. Barker will become a traffic mess.

What are you planning to do about ensuring that these vehicles, gas and electric, can get fuel?

White Plains needs way more Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations, both public and private. The city needs to do some mandating.

Stop staring at those ridiculous giant buses with few, if any, passengers. Stop congratulating yourselves over them. Make some useful decisions on transportation.

Kenneth Matinale
White Plains resident