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Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Emergency vehicles change traffic lights but STILL not in White Plains after FOUR years.

The post below was written and sent to Common Council members almost four years ago, so the technology is not new.

Emergency vehicles change traffic lights but not in White Plains. Sunday, October 21, 2018

Emergency vehicles, both ambulances and fire trucks, begin blasting their horns and sirens blocks before reaching (an intersection) ... because they know that drivers do not stop when they have a green light. So, ...

Why don't emergency vehicles change traffic lights in White Plains?


This afternoon about 4:30 PM I saw an ambulance on Church Street going north with its siren blasting and its lights flashing trying to cross the multiple lanes of Hamilton Avenue. At least five vehicles continued on Hamilton right in front of the ambulance as it inched forward. They had the green light but not the common sense nor a sense of responsibility to stop and let the ambulance go through.

No, we don't need some lame public awareness campaign. We need the decision makers in White Plains to make the decision to do what's obviously necessary:

Get that damn emergency light system!

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Friday, July 15, 2022

Electric Vehicles (EV): charging station policy and status?

Email sent but not answered:

from: Kenneth
to: planning@whiteplainsny.gov
cc: commoncouncil@whiteplainsny.gov
date: Jul 12, 2022, 10:39 AM
subject: EV charging stations required in new apartment garages?

US Crosses the Electric-Car Tipping Point for Mass Adoption


You're adding thousands of new private garage spaces. If increasing numbers of Electric Vehicles are introduced, where can they get charged?

And what about older apartment garages? Are they required to provide EV chargers?

When I checked about three years ago, the chargers in public garages were few and pathetic.

Get in front of this tipping point.