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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Parking enforcement not applied to BUSES.

Message to Mayor Roach and insurgent candidate Lecuona.

Location of photo: three streets converge: Barker Avenue, Water Street, MLK Blvd., northwest corner of the soon to be demolished mini mall, which hosts the DMV. Both HUGE Coach USA buses are parked in the wide no parking striped area. The buses were there at least 30 minutes. After the photo was taken, a city person wearing "parking enforcement" on the back, returned to the car and simply drove away, with no contact or evident awareness of the bus drivers or buses.

from: Ken
to: "Thomas M. Roach" <troach@whiteplainsny.gov>
cc: Milagros Lecuona <milagroslecuona@gmail.com>,
Patch <tips@patch.com>
date: Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 11:47 AM
subject: Parking enforcement not applied to BUSES.

The official White Plains car is clearly marked as parking enforcement. Buses parked there illegally NEVER get a ticket. NEVER.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Common Council twice warned about dangerous bus traffic downtown. Maybe if they lived downtown ...

Neither candidate for mayor, incumbent Tom Roach nor insurgent challenger Milagros Lecuona, have addressed the issue of the invasion of downtown White Plains by county, regional and private buses. Much of the increased bus traffic is on residential streets, including North Broadway, Barker Avenue, Park Avenue. Zero planning seems to be involved. ZERO.

from: Ken
to: "Thomas M. Roach" <troach@whiteplainsny.gov>,
Milagros Lecuona <milagroslecuona@gmail.com>,
"Beth N. Smayda" <bsmayda@bethsmayda.com>,
"Dennis E. Krolian" <dkrolian@whiteplainsny.gov>,
"John M. Martin" <jmartin@whiteplainsny.gov>,
Nadine Hunt-Robinson <nhrobinson@whiteplainsny.gov>,
John Kirkpatrick <jkirkpatrick@whiteplainsny.gov>
cc: Tom Soyk <tsoyk@whiteplainsny.gov>,
Patch <tips@patch.com>
date: Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 5:27 AM
subject: NYTimes: 3 Killed and More Than a Dozen Injured in Bus Crash in Queens

3 Killed and More Than a Dozen Injured in Bus Crash in Queens https://nyti.ms/2y9kXy0

The police said there were no passengers on the charter bus.

The more buses you allow to drive on residential streets in White Plains, the more likely people will be killed and/or injured.

from: Ken
to: "Thomas M. Roach" ,
Milagros Lecuona ,
"Beth N. Smayda" ,
"John M. Martin" ,
"Dennis E. Krolian" ,Nadine Hunt-Robinson
cc: Patch ,letters@lohud.com,digital@lohud.com
date: Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 4:57 AM
subject: NYTimes: Budget Bus Lines Flout the Rules With Little Consequence

Budget Bus Lines Flout the Rules With Little Consequence https://nyti.ms/2ymxCOm

You Common Council members are on notice. When some kid is killed by being hit by one of these ridiculous buses with few passengers, you'll all be sued, along with the city. Discovery will find my blog posts and my email messages to each of you. You're probably immune legally but it won't be pretty because it will still be obvious that all of you were negligent.

Meanwhile, you're focused on the stupid French school issue, which impacts a tiny percentage of White Plains citizens ... who live in multi million dollar houses. Put some affordable housing there.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Reply to Milagros Lecuona, insurgent candidate for mayor.

First, the message, then the reply.

from: Milagros Lecuona via bounce.myngp.com
reply-to: milagrosformayor@gmail.com
to: Ken
date: Sat, Sep 23, 2017 at 8:54 AM
subject: Me Again

Now more than ever, I am committed to the change we need in White Plains

Dear Ken,

On the surface, things may look good in White Plains but I have seen some disturbing trends in our current leadership which motivate me to be committed to the change we need. New development plans that bring thousands of so-called luxury rental units (increasing traffic and noise while decreasing open space), Renaissance fountains (malfunctioning and wasting millions of tax payers' money) and bike lanes (that are costly and dangerous) are put forward as “what’s working in White Plains,” but there is no mention of:
- a firefighting staff and the communities it serves that have been short changed in city priorities,
- wasted taxpayer money being used as the current mayor hands out jobs to his friends,
= the French American School’s project with far too many hidden plans or unanswered questions for the community,
- the issue of 20 percent of the city budget coming from money from parking department creating insanely strict parking policies.



from: Ken
to: milagrosformayor@gmail.com
cc: digital@lohud.com,

I checked your website again and there are no policy proposals to deal with your list of issues. In your most recent email you mention "insanely strict parking
policies". What does that even mean and what would you do about it?

You live in a house neighborhood and want it to be easier to park downtown where you want even more affordable housing, which means affordable apartments nowhere near where you and other Common Council members live. You house people just want easy and inexpensive car access to downtown.

And how about addressing the bus invasion of downtown that I've been documenting for months and which you Common Council members have ignored.

Mayor Roach is off track but you have not presented any real alternative, just slogans and union endorsements, most of whose members probably do not live in White Plains.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Issues espoused by candidates for Mayor of White Plains: Roach and Lecuona.

Tuesday Sept. 12 is the Democratic part primary for mayor of White Plains. Incumbent Tom Roach is being challenged by Milagros Lecuona, a Common Council member first elected in 2008.

After reading their positions on issues shown below, I'm for someone not running. Read on and judge for yourself.

Both, but especially Lecuona, deal in platitudes, which lean towards some national issues that have filtered down the political food chain and landed uncomfortably in the Westchester legislature and White Plains race for mayor. Democrats feel compelled to embrace a Sanctuary City policy, which not long ago was relegated to a place like San Francisco but now is openly supported, if not by name, than by policy as a means of showing bona fides opposition to President Donald Trump. It's difficult to know how that impacts urban planning, parking and garbage pickup, the issues that consume a mayor of a city of about 55,000 people.

Below are the links to their websites with excerpts on what passes for policy statements. Even at this late date Lecuona has embarrassing little substance. She does not mention Sanctuary City stuff as Roach does but it's my understanding that she embraced it during the debate Sept. 9 when she told a questioner to not vote for her if the person opposed Sanctuary City policy.



Protect taxpayers’ interests
Good Government
Fiscal Responsibility
Protect residents’ health and safety
Appropriate Emergency Services
Examine Critical Shortage of Fire Fighters
Protect the Character of Neighborhoods
Quality of Life
Clear Understanding of the Needs of Each Unique Neighborhood
Protect Local Jobs and Businesses
Local Workforce and Unions
Community Benefits Agreements
Create Working Partnerships with Businesses
Parking Policies



Balanced, Sustainable Growth
Tom is proving that growth can be balanced and sustainable – and doesn’t require our city to compromise on our core commitments.

White Plains is attracting major new employers, with big investments to revitalize our downtown. We’ve added more than 1000 new jobs downtown this year alone, and have our lowest commercial and retail vacancy rates since the depths of the Great Recession. We've seen major investments in the Westchester, City Center, and will soon in the Galleria. Bringing residents and major commercial tenants downtown both helps out local small businesses by bringing in new customers and making our streets more lively and vibrant.
These investments are clear votes of confidence in the direction of our city and the path it’s taking under Tom’s leadership. At a time when internet shopping is radically reshaping the retail business across the country, these kinds of smart investments are vital.
White Plains is the fastest growing city in NY State – and we’ve done it while maintaining our local focus and commitment to unique and diverse neighborhoods.  Tom has made sure that downtown development projects benefit our residents.  We now require every new multi-family residential development project downtown to include affordable units – and as a result, we have hundreds of new affordable units under construction and in the pipeline. Under Tom’s leadership, White Plains also requires developers to pay a new impact fee to fund the creation and maintenance of city parks and playgrounds. 
Tom is proving that growth can be balanced and sustainable – and doesn’t require our city to compromise on our core commitments.

Defending Progressive Values
Tom has been outspoken in support of the rights of all people, no matter where they’re from, who they choose to love or how they choose to worship.


Now more than ever, we need a leader who’s not afraid to fight for progressive values. Tom has been outspoken in support of the rights of all people, no matter where they’re from, who they choose to love or how they choose to worship. He has implemented strong pro-environmental policies and programs at a time when the current federal Administration is heading in the opposite direction.
Our police have not and will not inquire regarding an individual’s immigration status, and Tom was proud to be consulted by New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman as he created guidance for  local governments to respond to President Trump’s Executive Order on immigration.
Tom has also helped make White Plains a leader in sustainability through the installation of 20 electric vehicle charging stations, expanded recycling options, banning use of the dirtiest fuel oils, streamlining the solar permitting process, energy efficient upgrades at city buildings, LED streetlight replacement, and complete streets legislation. White Plains has also opened a new fabric recycling center and a new park at Bryant and Mamaroneck Avenue.

A Safe City with a Fiscally Responsible Government
Tom firmly believes that community policing reduces crime and creates a safer environment for all. At the same time, we have one of the highest municipal fire protection ratings in New York State.

Thanks to a bedrock commitment to community policing, crime rates are at historic lows. Tom firmly believes that these policies reduce crime and create a safer environment for all. We’ve equipped our police with body cameras, and in addition to their many obvious benefits supervisors review footage regularly as a teaching tool to improve police performance on an ongoing basis.
White Plains has the highest municipal fire protection rating possible, according to experts in the fire insurance industry - one of only three municipalities in New York State and less than 100 nationwide to achieve that distinction. 49,000 municipalities nationwide were graded on every major fire safety factor by a respected, independent observer, who determined that there isn't a single municipality anywhere in New York State that does a better job protecting residents and businesses from fires than White Plains.
Under Tom’s leadership White Plains continues to make major investments in public safety infrastructure to provide even better service, including - $3.9 million in new equipment purchases for the Fire Department over the past 3 years; $1 million in renovations to fire facilities over the past two years; and $1.5 million more budgeted. We've also recently hired more police officers and firefighters. 
Our municipal services are top of the line thanks to our dedicated work force – and we've provided that level of service while staying under the state tax cap every year that Tom has been Mayor. White Plains does not rely on capital outlays to pay for pension costs or tax appeals like some of our neighbors or Westchester County.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Candidates Debate Thursday: "Every way you look at this you lose".

Mrs. Robinson
Simon & Garfunkel

Written by Paul Simon • Copyright © Universal Music Publishing Group
Koo-koo-ka-choo, Mrs. Robinson,
Jesus loves you more than you will know
Wo wo wo
God bless you, please, Mrs. Robinson
Heaven holds a place for those who pray
Hey, hey, hey hey, hey, hey

Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon
Going to the candidates' debate
Laugh about it, shout about it
When you've got to choose
Every way you look at this you lose

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you
Wu wu wu
What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson
Jolting Joe has left and gone away
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

from: WPCNA
reply-to: WPCNA
to: ken
date: Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 11:23 PM
subject: Candidates Forum for White Plains Democratic Primary
The White Plains Council of Neighborhood Associations (WPCNA) and the League of Women Voters of White Plains (LWVWP) will co-sponsor a Forum for candidates for White Plains Mayor and Common Council in the Democratic primary. It will be held on Thursday, September 7, 2017 from 7:00 pm -- 10:00 pm at the Rochambeau School Auditorium, 228 Fisher Avenue, White Plains...
In order to insure that a wide range of issues is addressed by the candidates, please submit questions in writing either (1) By email to Beth Kava at bethkava@gmail.com in advance of the meeting, or (2) At the Forum.
If you email a question, please provide your name and address and indicate if the question is for the mayoral or common council candidates.
Doors will be open at 6:30 pm and cards will be available for audience members to submit questions. Please include your name and address on submissions. Questions will not be taken from the floor.


from: Ken
cc: bethkava@gmail.com
date: Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 11:51 PM
subject: Re: Candidates Forum for White Plains Democratic Primary
The location of the event at the Rochambeau school is protected by a no trucks sign. There's also a no trucks sign across from the main post office. The city has been asked for no buses signs on residential streets, including Barker Avenue, but there has been no action. I've concluded that is because both elected and appointed officials do not want the buses added to the many cars already on Hamilton Avenue.

In the last 18 months downtown White Plains has been inundated with an incredible increase in the number of buses, including many huge regional buses. Since this does not impact the neighborhoods of the Common Council members or their natural constituency as represented by the house owners in the CNA and League of Women Voters, none of the candidates in White Plains give a damn about those of us who live in downtown apartments. Safety and quality of life for downtown citizens are ignored.
There is no plausible benefit to White Plains in general or to downtown citizens by all this additional bus traffic, especially since a very low percentage of seats are occupied by passengers. Low ridership seems to apply to all three types of buses:
Public county Bee-Line
Private limo shuttle between the train station and corporate parks along Interstate 287.
Your candidates debate Thursday will simply reinforce existing bias against downtown apartment residents. Plus, there's Thursday Night Football.



Which will do more to improve quality of life for downtown White Plains citizens?

Saturday, September 2, 2017

How did city add more lanes to Hamilton Avenue for rush hour cars? Use parallel streets Barker and Park.

After reading campaign literature by Mayor Tom Roach extolling his part in getting regional buses to run into Westchester, it finally dawned on me why the mayor and other Common Council members seem so oblivious to downtown being inundated with more and more buses.

The city can't decease the number of cars flooding White Plains every day, so it needed more traffic lanes for the useless buses that inflate the egos of city officials about the imagined importance of White Plains as a destination for the buses, rather than White Plains merely being a convenient transfer point. So rather than taking common sense action against the bus companies, the city lets the buses spread out onto parallel residential streets near totally non-residential Hamilton Ave:
Barker Avenue
Park Avenue.

Nice city planning.