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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mayoral debate is where?

I received this in an e-mail message from CNA:

The candidates for White Plains Mayor -- Tom Roach, Bob Hyland and Glen Hockley -- will take part in a live, TV-style debate on Wednesday evening, March 23, 2011 at 7:30 pm in the Ridgeway School auditorium.  You're invited to attend and participate!  Please come early to get a good seat.​

I guess they couldn't find a place further from downtown.  I've noticed in the Highlands signs for Hyland.  Hey, that's as good a reason as any to vote for one of them.

I won't vote for anyone for Common Council who lives in a house.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mayoral debate questions.

I received an e-mail message, which included this:

date Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 8:25 AM

The White Plains Council of Neighborhood Associations (WPCNA) in coopoeration with the White Plains Concerned Citizens for Open Space (WPCCOS) will sponsor a Mayoral Debate on Wednesday, March 23 in the Ridgeway School auditorium at 7:30 pm.  PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR!

Please send your topic suggestions and brief questions to debate@wpcna.org by 5:00 pm, Thursday March 17.  The debate will include as many of your questions and cover as many of your topics as possible. The candidates will also answer a limited number of questions from the audience after the debate.

I sent this to debate@wpcna.org:



Should White Plains move away from its dependence on retail sales tax to avoid the regular boom/bust economic cycles?

And then this:

Should White Plains have district based voting to ensure that downtown residents are properly represented since almost all council members and you three candidates live in houses in the suburbs of White Plains?

Public Library: is it worth the money?


Online Form to Request a Title to Add to Our Collection

This is the only way I could find to send a simple message.  The New York Times has a major article today about e-books and public libraries yet I cannot find anything that indicates that WP has any e-books.  Please clarify.  Thanks.

Uh, oh.

Server error!

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.
Error message: Premature end of script headers: mailform.pl
If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster

Error 500

www.wppl.lib.ny.us Tue Mar 15 07:55:28 2011 Apache/2.0.52 (Red Hat)

I guess not.  It's difficult to say which is more of a waste of taxpayer money and more oblivious and beyond scrutiny: schools or libraries.

Friday, March 11, 2011

David Buchwald: run for mayor!

I know of two candidates so far running for mayor of White Plains in the special election: council member Tom Roach and former member Glenn Hockley.

David Buchwald is a new member of the Common Council.  He lives in a downtown condo and is young and smart and would understand the dynamics of living downtown as opposed to those living in a house in a White Plains suburb, which is what we'd get with Roach or Hockley or probably anyone else who decides to run.

David, seize the moment!  Run for mayor of White Plains.  Get those signatures signed and get on the ballot.  Failing that start a write-in campaign.  The new voting machines make that much simpler.  I'm convinced that people can get elected by promoting their candidacy on the web, despite not being on the written ballot in the voting booth, especially for local office.